August 20, 2009


haluu . hehehe dah lame tak kembali dan menulis ini blog . actually lupe password . tp nape tak mintak faris an , dy kan taw password saia . aduyai :P .
Oke where im gonna st
arted ? actually nothing to say la dear ! actually i think , i think i fall in love with someone . tapi ak taw takan terjadi cz maybe he's my brother? opss ! no no . ta leyh jadi nie . tapi ape yang ak rase skang dy pandai amek aty semua orang dan termasok ak . maybe dy treat ak as his sister only tapi ak yang lebeyh2 . tapi entah la ! ak jelez tgk dy ngn orang len .kadang2 rase marah . MARAH ? for what ?? tapi ntah la itu yang ak rase skang . tapi sehari hari ta pikir dy , tapi bile orang sebut name dy ,teringat dy dan terase nk tgk dy , jmp dy , ckp ngn dy , lepak . dah lame tak lepak ngn dy cm dulu2 . rindu saat2 bergurau senda . but its gonna happen ME && him ?? for you mystery man i know you love me just like your sister but me ? i love you too . i will love you like my brother i hope you && me always in related . i'll try to LOVE you as my brother . BROTHER ?? thnx to who are read my blog . thnx bace luahan hati ak ! thank you so much .